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Click HERE to give us your support and donation. Hello.As each stone?s location is discovered, forces converge for a battle that will send the universe down a dark path.And when death comes at last, who will fall.Please click here to give us your help and support.Individually, they grant their wielders great power.When she warps the Marvel Universe in half, what surprising heroes will assemble to stand against her.If you encounter any broken links or corrupt files, please write on the comment section or message me through the contact form.To extract any compressed files, I recommend using 7-Zip.Screenshots: Notes: If you have any difficulties to download the files, please refer to this how-to download page. Add your message here.Get our weekly comics summarized straight into your inbox.Together, they bestow the power of a god. EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>















Infinity Wars (Story Arc) (2018-2019) – GetComics

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Image source: fans-disney-alsace.fr

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Image source: www.goldengeek.net

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The series was written by Jim Starlin and penciled by Ron Lim, Ian Laughlin, Al Milgrom and Jack Morelli.The heroes chosen are susceptible, as they are either especially religious, mystically inclined, or have had a near-death experience.Wikipedia? is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.This act not only freed the incarnation of his evil aspects, Warlock's old foe the Magus, but also created an incarnation of his good aspects, the Goddess.During the events of the Infinity War, the Goddess steals the five cosmic containment units (also known as Cosmic Cubes ) collected by the Magus.The Titan Thanos is seen as a threat by the Goddess, and is her first target to be attacked, but is inexplicably saved by his enemy Adam Warlock.Thanos, boosting his own telepathic powers with those of the comatose Professor X, attacks the Goddess at the moment she activates her plan.Caught off-guard, the Goddess is attacked simultaneously by Thanos, Warlock, and Professor X, the three striking her on the spiritual plane as the units cannot affect the soul, and she is absorbed into the Soul Gem.

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Infinity War

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